Season Statistics
Overall Statistics
2016 Nebraska Softball
Overall Statistics for Nebraska (as of Feb 06, 2024)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 35-21 Home: 11-5 Away: 8-10 Neutral: 16-6 Big Ten: 13-9
13 Stokes, Kiki..... .409 55-55 181 58 74 12 3 7 27 113 .624 33 6 22 0 .509 2 0 20-25 63 3 3 .957
99 MJ Knighten...... .376 55-55 170 61 64 8 0 21 60 135 .794 39 7 15 1 .509 0 2 7-9 51 141 13 .937
17 Fowler, Mattie... .347 53-52 170 12 59 6 0 3 44 74 .435 10 2 13 4 .390 0 6 0-0 411 24 0 1.000
1 Lotte Sjulin..... .333 40-1 6 9 2 1 0 0 2 3 .500 1 0 1 0 .429 0 0 1-1 1 0 0 1.000
3 Tyson, Dawna..... .299 38-33 97 10 29 5 0 2 21 40 .412 12 2 9 3 .387 0 2 0-0 55 19 3 .961
23 Laura Barrow..... .295 52-52 149 36 44 8 0 2 13 58 .389 12 2 18 1 .356 0 3 0-0 119 106 11 .953
21 Armstrong, Alicia .277 51-50 148 30 41 4 0 7 39 66 .446 24 15 17 1 .426 1 0 3-3 60 115 12 .936
11 Gina Metzler..... .275 51-34 40 15 11 1 0 0 3 12 .300 5 1 3 1 .370 0 3 1-1 51 1 2 .963
12 Kaylan Jablonski. .250 48-36 136 18 34 9 0 4 20 55 .404 5 0 16 1 .273 2 2 1-1 1 23 0 1.000
32 Alyvia Simmons... .245 39-36 106 21 26 6 0 5 13 47 .443 17 1 20 1 .352 1 0 1-1 24 1 4 .862
66 Cassie McClure... .238 42-36 101 8 24 4 0 4 23 40 .396 13 3 9 1 .336 2 1 0-0 1 28 5 .853
7 Madi Unzicker.... .217 45-37 92 17 20 7 0 5 14 42 .457 12 5 35 0 .339 0 1 1-1 144 23 5 .971
27 Austen Urness.... .194 40-30 93 10 18 2 0 5 20 35 .376 8 5 12 2 .292 0 0 0-0 27 2 0 1.000
22 Taylor Otte...... .189 44-13 37 9 7 2 1 0 0 11 .297 3 2 7 0 .286 0 0 5-8 19 0 3 .864
44 Bri Cassidy...... .000 28-22 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 3 0 4 0 .214 0 0 0-0 104 19 2 .984
29 Rachel Arthur.... .000 14-3 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 2 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 8 1 .900
8 Caitlin Bartsch.. .000 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 1 1 .500
4 Lockman, Emily... .000 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 23 2 .923
14 Taylor Kadavy.... .000 5-0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
Totals.............. .294 56-56 1541 321 453 75 4 65 299 731 .474 197 51 203 16 .390 8 20 40-50 1133 537 67 .961
Opponents........... .274 56-56 1480 254 406 69 9 48 229 637 .430 170 24 237 13 .356 13 50 43-57 1110 432 63 .961
LOB - Team (389), Opp (353). DPs turned - Team (26), Opp (32). IBB - Team (9), Knighten 6, Stokes 1, Armstrong 1, Tyson 1,
Opp (5).
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
8 Caitlin Bartsch.. 3.32 0-0 3 0 0 0/0 0 6.1 4 4 3 4 2 0 0 1 26 .154 1 0 0 0 0
66 Cassie McClure... 3.49 17-11 40 23 11 3/0 5 156.1 163 98 78 66 113 31 4 15 600 .272 4 10 0 6 28
4 Lockman, Emily... 3.56 10-5 26 14 3 2/0 1 104.1 114 64 53 39 45 24 2 9 406 .281 9 12 0 4 9
12 Kaylan Jablonski. 4.81 8-5 30 18 7 1/0 0 106.1 119 83 73 57 73 13 3 22 429 .277 15 1 0 2 12
14 Taylor Kadavy.... 8.08 0-0 3 1 0 0/0 0 4.1 6 5 5 4 4 1 0 1 19 .316 2 1 0 1 1
Totals.............. 3.93 35-21 56 56 21 6/0 6 377.2 406 254 212 170 237 69 9 48 1480 .274 31 24 0 13 50
Opponents........... 5.11 21-35 56 56 25 6/0 4 370.0 453 321 270 197 203 75 4 65 1541 .294 21 51 4 8 20
PB - Team (7), M. Unzicker 6, Cassidy 1, Opp (15). Pickoffs - Team (2), M. Unzicker 2. SBA/ATT - M. Unzicker (30-40), Lockman
(15-23), McClure (17-21), Cassidy (13-17), Jablonski (11-13).
2016 Nebraska Softball
Overall Statistics for Nebraska (as of Feb 06, 2024)
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
17 Fowler, Mattie... 435 411 24 0 1.000 19 0 0 --- 0 0
27 Austen Urness.... 29 27 2 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
12 Kaylan Jablonski. 24 1 23 0 1.000 1 11 2 .846 0 0
1 Lotte Sjulin..... 1 1 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
44 Bri Cassidy...... 125 104 19 2 .984 2 13 4 .765 1 0
7 Madi Unzicker.... 172 144 23 5 .971 1 30 10 .750 6 0
11 Gina Metzler..... 54 51 1 2 .963 1 0 0 --- 0 0
3 Tyson, Dawna..... 77 55 19 3 .961 3 0 0 --- 0 0
13 Stokes, Kiki..... 69 63 3 3 .957 0 0 0 --- 0 0
23 Laura Barrow..... 236 119 106 11 .953 9 0 0 --- 0 0
99 MJ Knighten...... 205 51 141 13 .937 14 0 0 --- 0 0
21 Armstrong, Alicia 187 60 115 12 .936 7 0 0 --- 0 0
4 Lockman, Emily... 26 1 23 2 .923 0 15 8 .652 0 0
29 Rachel Arthur.... 10 1 8 1 .900 0 0 0 --- 0 0
22 Taylor Otte...... 22 19 0 3 .864 0 0 0 --- 0 0
32 Alyvia Simmons... 29 24 1 4 .862 0 0 0 --- 0 0
66 Cassie McClure... 34 1 28 5 .853 1 17 4 .810 0 0
8 Caitlin Bartsch.. 2 0 1 1 .500 0 0 0 --- 0 0
14 Taylor Kadavy.... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Totals.............. 1737 1133 537 67 .961 26 43 14 .754 7 0
Opponents........... 1605 1110 432 63 .961 32 40 10 .800 15 0
Analysis Statistics
2016 Nebraska Softball
Batting Analysis for Nebraska (as of Feb 06, 2024)
(All games Sorted by Player Name)
vs Left vs Right w/Runners On w/Bases Empty w/Bases Loaded Rch as Leadoff Fly Gnd Fly/
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg Rch Ops Pct Out Out Gnd
21 Armstrong, Alicia 7 34 .206 34 114 .298 24 93 .258 17 55 .309 4 10 .400 10 22 .455 44 42 1.0
29 Rachel Arthur.... 0 0 --- 0 4 .000 0 3 .000 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 0 0 --- 1 1 1.0
23 Laura Barrow..... 13 33 .394 31 116 .267 20 81 .247 24 68 .353 0 6 .000 17 33 .515 33 54 0.6
44 Bri Cassidy...... 0 2 .000 0 9 .000 0 5 .000 0 6 .000 0 0 --- 1 5 .200 4 3 1.3
17 Fowler, Mattie... 14 37 .378 45 133 .338 39 99 .394 20 71 .282 8 19 .421 15 40 .375 43 56 0.8
12 Kaylan Jablonski. 6 24 .250 28 112 .250 22 76 .289 12 60 .200 2 8 .250 6 30 .200 57 29 2.0
99 MJ Knighten...... 10 35 .286 54 135 .400 41 105 .390 23 65 .354 5 9 .556 17 25 .680 51 34 1.5
66 Cassie McClure... 3 14 .214 21 87 .241 16 61 .262 8 40 .200 1 8 .125 7 23 .304 32 32 1.0
11 Gina Metzler..... 0 5 .000 11 35 .314 4 17 .235 7 23 .304 0 1 .000 6 13 .462 7 22 0.3
22 Taylor Otte...... 1 10 .100 6 27 .222 0 17 .000 7 20 .350 0 1 .000 4 10 .400 9 13 0.7
32 Alyvia Simmons... 4 20 .200 22 86 .256 9 48 .188 17 58 .293 0 2 .000 12 30 .400 30 27 1.1
1 Lotte Sjulin..... 1 1 1.000 1 5 .200 2 4 .500 0 2 .000 0 1 .000 0 1 .000 2 1 2.0
13 Stokes, Kiki..... 16 43 .372 58 138 .420 30 74 .405 44 107 .411 3 4 .750 49 91 .538 53 28 1.9
3 Tyson, Dawna..... 9 28 .321 20 69 .290 19 57 .333 10 40 .250 2 5 .400 9 24 .375 29 29 1.0
7 Madi Unzicker.... 5 23 .217 15 69 .217 10 53 .189 10 39 .256 0 4 .000 7 14 .500 20 15 1.3
27 Austen Urness.... 5 23 .217 13 70 .186 11 55 .200 7 38 .184 3 10 .300 2 13 .154 37 23 1.6
Totals.............. 94 332 .283 359 1209 .297 247 848 .291 206 693 .297 28 89 .315 162 374 .433 452 409 1.1
Opponents........... 6 19 .316 400 1461 .274 192 732 .262 214 748 .286 19 59 .322 146 377 .387 328 519 0.6
With Runners w/Rnr on 3rd 2- Success #Rnrs
Pinch Hitting In Scoring Pos And LT 2 Out With 2 Out Out Advancing Rnrs Adv Rnrs Rch Rch
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg RBI Ops Pct H AB Avg RBI Adv Ops Pct w/Out LOB Err FC KL
21 Armstrong, Alicia 0 1 .000 17 63 .270 10 17 .588 12 44 .273 21 59 108 .546 13 30 4 13 5
29 Rachel Arthur.... 0 0 --- 0 3 .000 0 1 .000 0 3 .000 0 0 3 .000 0 2 0 0 0
23 Laura Barrow..... 0 0 --- 12 46 .261 5 12 .417 10 43 .233 4 33 84 .393 8 40 1 11 6
44 Bri Cassidy...... 0 1 .000 0 0 --- 0 0 --- 0 2 .000 0 1 5 .200 1 1 0 2 0
17 Fowler, Mattie... 0 0 --- 28 75 .373 15 25 .600 22 59 .373 18 59 109 .541 10 59 3 10 6
12 Kaylan Jablonski. 1 5 .200 16 50 .320 7 13 .538 10 36 .278 7 36 83 .434 8 35 3 5 4
99 MJ Knighten...... 0 0 --- 24 58 .414 13 20 .650 14 38 .368 18 71 122 .582 8 12 8 8 4
66 Cassie McClure... 0 1 .000 12 47 .255 5 10 .500 11 44 .250 13 36 71 .507 8 37 5 6 3
11 Gina Metzler..... 0 0 --- 2 11 .182 2 4 .500 2 14 .143 1 11 22 .500 8 14 0 1 0
22 Taylor Otte...... 0 1 .000 0 9 .000 0 1 .000 2 10 .200 0 6 21 .286 1 9 1 5 2
32 Alyvia Simmons... 0 1 .000 5 30 .167 3 8 .375 9 35 .257 6 25 58 .431 5 24 4 3 5
1 Lotte Sjulin..... 0 0 --- 2 3 .667 0 0 --- 1 3 .333 1 2 4 .500 0 3 0 0 1
13 Stokes, Kiki..... 0 0 --- 18 40 .450 6 9 .667 9 32 .281 5 44 82 .537 3 20 3 6 9
3 Tyson, Dawna..... 0 2 .000 16 38 .421 5 7 .714 9 34 .265 7 32 65 .492 10 28 2 5 4
7 Madi Unzicker.... 0 1 .000 8 25 .320 0 4 .000 8 42 .190 11 20 60 .333 2 31 3 3 3
27 Austen Urness.... 1 6 .167 8 34 .235 4 11 .364 7 34 .206 9 21 60 .350 1 31 3 5 2
Totals.............. 2 19 .105 168 532 .316 75 142 .528 126 473 .266 121 456 957 .476 86 389 40 83 54
Opponents........... 6 42 .143 122 447 .273 60 123 .488 111 472 .235 77 400 848 .472 143 353 45 77 69
Success Advancing Runners = percentage of times the batter advanced at least one runner during a plate appearance
#Rnrs Adv w/Out = TOTAL number of runners advanced when the player made an out
2016 Nebraska Softball
Pitching Analysis for Nebraska (as of Feb 06, 2024)
(All games Sorted by Player Name)
vs Left vs Right w/Runners On w/Bases Empty Rch by Leadoff with 2 Outs Fly Gnd Fly/
Player H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg H AB Avg Rch Ops Pct H AB Avg Out Out Gnd
8 Caitlin Bartsch.. 3 8 .375 1 18 .056 3 15 .200 1 11 .091 1 5 .200 2 10 .200 5 11 0.5
12 Kaylan Jablonski. 46 170 .271 73 259 .282 58 204 .284 61 225 .271 35 107 .327 45 150 .300 103 137 0.8
14 Taylor Kadavy.... 2 4 .500 4 15 .267 4 13 .308 2 6 .333 3 4 .750 4 9 .444 5 4 1.2
4 Lockman, Emily... 60 172 .349 54 234 .231 49 201 .244 65 205 .317 42 103 .408 24 121 .198 75 173 0.4
66 Cassie McClure... 69 226 .305 94 374 .251 78 299 .261 85 301 .282 65 158 .411 36 182 .198 140 194 0.7
Totals.............. 180 580 .310 226 900 .251 192 732 .262 214 748 .286 146 377 .387 111 472 .235 328 519 0.6
Opponents........... 155 476 .326 298 1065 .280 247 848 .291 206 693 .297 162 374 .433 126 473 .266 452 409 1.1
IP/ K/BB Stolen Bases
Player App-GS App *H/g *R/g *ER/g *BB/g *SO/g Ratio *2B/g *3B/g *HR/g *FO/g *GO/g *BF/g SBA ATT Pct
8 Caitlin Bartsch.. 3-0 2.11 4.42 4.42 3.32 4.42 2.21 0.5 0.00 0.00 1.11 5.53 12.16 33.16 0 0 ---
12 Kaylan Jablonski. 30-18 3.54 7.83 5.46 4.81 3.75 4.81 1.3 0.86 0.20 1.45 6.78 9.02 32.98 11 13 .846
14 Taylor Kadavy.... 3-1 1.44 9.69 8.08 8.08 6.46 6.46 1.0 1.62 0.00 1.62 8.08 6.46 42.00 0 0 ---
4 Lockman, Emily... 26-14 4.01 7.65 4.29 3.56 2.62 3.02 1.2 1.61 0.13 0.60 5.03 11.61 31.53 15 23 .652
66 Cassie McClure... 40-23 3.91 7.30 4.39 3.49 2.96 5.06 1.7 1.39 0.18 0.67 6.27 8.69 31.79 17 21 .810
Totals.............. 56-56 6.74 7.53 4.71 3.93 3.15 4.39 1.4 1.28 0.17 0.89 6.08 9.62 32.20 43 57 .754
Opponents........... 56-56 6.61 8.57 6.07 5.11 3.73 3.84 1.0 1.42 0.08 1.23 8.55 7.74 34.38 40 50 .800
* = average based on 7-inning game
Games Summary
2016 Nebraska Softball
Games Summary for Nebraska (as of Feb 06, 2024)
(All games)
Inning-by-inning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EX Total
---------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -----
Nebraska 42 51 45 49 41 44 39 5 3 2 321
Opponents 37 25 41 55 36 26 26 3 3 2 254
Win-Loss Record When
Overall............. 35-21 After 4 leading..... 27-3
Conference.......... 13-9 ....... trailing.... 7-15
Non-Conference...... 22-12 ....... tied........ 1-3
Home games.......... 11-5 After 5 leading..... 19-2
Away games.......... 8-10 ....... trailing.... 5-14
Neutral site........ 16-6 ....... tied........ 4-3
Day games........... 24-16 After 6 leading..... 20-2
Night games......... 11-5 ....... trailing.... 4-13
vs Left starter..... 6-5 ....... tied........ 3-2
vs Right starter.... 29-16
1-Run games......... 11-6 Hit 0 home runs..... 8-14
2-Run games......... 6-3 ... 1 home run...... 6-4
5+Run games......... 13-9 ... 2+ home runs.... 21-3
Extra innings....... 3-3
Shutouts............ 6-6 Opponent 0 home runs 24-4
........ 1 home run. 7-8
Scoring 0-2 runs.... 2-10 ........ 2+ HRs..... 4-9
....... 3-5 runs.... 10-6
....... 6-9 runs.... 14-3 Made 0 errors....... 11-5
....... 10+ runs.... 9-2 .... 1 error........ 17-4
.... 2+ errors...... 7-12
Opponent 0-2 runs... 17-1
........ 3-5 runs... 15-3 Opp. made 0 errors.. 13-8
........ 6-9 runs... 3-13 ......... 1 error... 10-6
........ 10+ runs... 0-4 ......... 2+ errors. 12-7
Scored in 1st inning 17-7 Out-hit opponent.... 24-5
Opp. scored in 1st.. 11-8 Out-hit by opponent. 9-15
Scores first........ 20-6 Hits are tied....... 2-1
Opp. scores first... 15-15
Record when team scores:
Runs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
W-L 0-6 1-2 1-2 6-3 3-2 1-1 6-2 3-1 5-0 0-0 9-2
Record when opponent scores:
Runs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
W-L 6-0 5-0 6-1 3-0 7-3 5-0 0-5 0-2 2-5 1-1 0-4
Record when leading after:
Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6
W-L 15-5 17-5 19-3 27-3 19-2 20-2
Record when trailing after:
Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6
W-L 7-7 9-8 8-9 7-15 5-14 4-13
Record when tied after:
Inn. 1 2 3 4 5 6
W-L 13-9 9-8 8-9 1-3 4-3 3-2
Current losing streak: 1
Longest winning streak: 7
Longest losing streak: 3
Home attendance : 12079 ( 12 dates avg = 1006 )
Away attendance : 4540 ( 39 dates avg = 116 )
Total attendance: 16619 ( 51 dates avg = 325 )
Conference statistics
2016 Nebraska Softball
Conference statistics for Nebraska (as of Feb 06, 2024)
(Big Ten games only Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 13-9 Home: 7-4 Away: 6-5 Big Ten: 13-9
1 Lotte Sjulin..... 1.000 15-0 1 5 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.000 1 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
13 Stokes, Kiki..... .447 22-22 76 28 34 7 1 4 15 55 .724 14 4 10 0 .547 1 0 9-11 27 2 2 .935
3 Tyson, Dawna..... .349 15-14 43 7 15 3 0 1 13 21 .488 3 2 1 2 .417 0 0 0-0 11 9 0 1.000
99 MJ Knighten...... .333 22-22 72 24 24 4 0 6 23 46 .639 19 2 6 1 .484 0 0 4-4 23 48 4 .947
11 Gina Metzler..... .333 21-10 3 7 1 0 0 0 1 1 .333 3 0 0 0 .667 0 0 1-1 17 1 0 1.000
17 Fowler, Mattie... .329 22-22 82 7 27 4 0 0 20 31 .378 2 1 7 1 .353 0 3 0-0 171 15 0 1.000
23 Laura Barrow..... .295 22-22 61 19 18 5 0 1 5 26 .426 10 1 7 0 .403 0 2 0-0 67 47 4 .966
27 Austen Urness.... .256 15-12 39 6 10 1 0 3 14 20 .513 5 2 5 0 .370 0 0 0-0 10 0 0 1.000
32 Alyvia Simmons... .255 19-18 55 15 14 2 0 4 10 28 .509 9 0 10 1 .354 1 0 0-0 11 0 1 .917
21 Armstrong, Alicia .241 19-18 54 9 13 2 0 2 8 21 .389 14 4 5 0 .431 0 0 1-1 25 39 8 .889
12 Kaylan Jablonski. .230 19-16 61 7 14 3 0 1 10 20 .328 1 0 10 1 .238 1 2 1-1 0 13 0 1.000
22 Taylor Otte...... .200 17-5 15 3 3 0 1 0 0 5 .333 2 2 5 0 .368 0 0 0-2 10 0 0 1.000
66 Cassie McClure... .178 16-15 45 2 8 1 0 2 10 15 .333 5 1 3 0 .275 0 0 0-0 1 16 2 .895
7 Madi Unzicker.... .133 15-11 30 3 4 3 0 0 2 7 .233 3 2 12 0 .257 0 0 1-1 42 7 1 .980
44 Bri Cassidy...... .000 13-11 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 3 0 1 0 .429 0 0 0-0 53 14 1 .985
29 Rachel Arthur.... .000 6-1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 3 0 1.000
8 Caitlin Bartsch.. .000 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
4 Lockman, Emily... .000 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 6 1 .857
14 Taylor Kadavy.... .000 2-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 .000
Totals.............. .290 22-22 642 147 186 35 2 24 132 297 .463 94 21 83 6 .396 3 7 17-21 469 220 24 .966
Opponents........... .283 22-22 607 107 172 32 6 20 98 276 .455 86 7 97 6 .375 6 23 15-23 462 178 31 .954
LOB - Team (158), Opp (153). DPs turned - Team (15), Opp (15). IBB - Team (2), Armstrong 1, Knighten 1, Opp (3).
(Big Ten games only Sorted by Earned run avg)
8 Caitlin Bartsch.. 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 .000 0 0 0 0 0
12 Kaylan Jablonski. 3.68 6-2 14 9 5 1/0 0 59.0 51 34 31 37 40 5 2 9 221 .231 7 0 0 2 6
66 Cassie McClure... 3.81 5-5 14 12 5 1/0 1 71.2 83 49 39 38 43 17 2 8 276 .301 2 3 0 2 16
4 Lockman, Emily... 5.68 2-2 7 1 0 0/0 0 24.2 36 23 20 10 13 9 2 3 105 .343 2 4 0 2 1
14 Taylor Kadavy.... 99.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 0.0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1.000 0 0 0 0 0
Totals.............. 4.07 13-9 22 22 10 2/0 1 156.1 172 107 91 86 97 32 6 20 607 .283 11 7 0 6 23
Opponents........... 5.09 9-13 22 22 9 1/0 2 154.0 186 147 112 94 83 35 2 24 642 .290 9 21 2 3 7
PB - Team (2), M. Unzicker 2, Opp (5). Pickoffs - Team (1), M. Unzicker 1. SBA/ATT - M. Unzicker (9-13), McClure (8-11),
Cassidy (6-10), Jablonski (6-8), Lockman (1-4).
2016 Nebraska Softball
Conference statistics for Nebraska (as of Feb 06, 2024)
(Big Ten games only Sorted by Fielding pct)
17 Fowler, Mattie... 186 171 15 0 1.000 11 0 0 --- 0 0
3 Tyson, Dawna..... 20 11 9 0 1.000 1 0 0 --- 0 0
11 Gina Metzler..... 18 17 1 0 1.000 1 0 0 --- 0 0
12 Kaylan Jablonski. 13 0 13 0 1.000 1 6 2 .750 0 0
27 Austen Urness.... 10 10 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
22 Taylor Otte...... 10 10 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
29 Rachel Arthur.... 4 1 3 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
44 Bri Cassidy...... 68 53 14 1 .985 2 6 4 .600 0 0
7 Madi Unzicker.... 50 42 7 1 .980 0 9 4 .692 2 0
23 Laura Barrow..... 118 67 47 4 .966 5 0 0 --- 0 0
99 MJ Knighten...... 75 23 48 4 .947 7 0 0 --- 0 0
13 Stokes, Kiki..... 31 27 2 2 .935 0 0 0 --- 0 0
32 Alyvia Simmons... 12 11 0 1 .917 0 0 0 --- 0 0
66 Cassie McClure... 19 1 16 2 .895 1 8 3 .727 0 0
21 Armstrong, Alicia 72 25 39 8 .889 3 0 0 --- 0 0
4 Lockman, Emily... 7 0 6 1 .857 0 1 3 .250 0 0
14 Taylor Kadavy.... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
1 Lotte Sjulin..... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
8 Caitlin Bartsch.. 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Totals.............. 713 469 220 24 .966 15 15 8 .652 2 0
Opponents........... 671 462 178 31 .954 15 17 4 .810 5 0