
Cumulative Season Statistics

Overall Team Statistics

2000 Nebraska Volleyball Nebraska Overall Team Statistics (as of Sep 13, 2014) All matches Overall record: 34-0 Conf: 20-0 Home: 19-0 Away: 11-0 Neutral: 4-0 TEAM STATISTICS NU OPP -------------------------------------------------------- ATTACK........................ Kills....................... 1895 1542 Errors...................... 541 975 Total Attacks............... 4343 4702 Attack Pct.................. .312 .121 Kills/Set................... 16.5 13.4 SET........................... Assists..................... 1678 1408 Attempts.................... 2009 1850 Assist Pct.................. .835 .761 Assists/Set................. 14.6 12.2 SERVE......................... Aces........................ 192 113 Errors...................... 281 240 Attempts.................... 2312 1780 Serve Pct................... .878 .865 Aces/Set.................... 1.7 1.0 SERVE RECEPTIONS.............. Errors...................... 113 194 Errors/Set.................. 1.0 1.7 Attempts.................... 1524 1954 Reception Pct............... .926 .901 DEFENSE....................... Digs........................ 1762 1654 Digs/Set.................... 15.3 14.4 BLOCKING...................... Block Solo.................. 107 50 Block Assist................ 741 242 Total Blocks................ 477.5 171.0 Blocks/Set.................. 4.2 1.5 Block Errors................ 86 53 Ball handling errors.......... 39 42 ATTENDANCE.................... Total....................... 80252 16031 Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 19/4224 11/1457 Neutral site #/Avg.......... 4/4351 Current win streak.......... 34 - Home win streak............. 19 - MATCH WINS BY #SETS 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Nebraska............ 0 0 25 5 4 - 34 Opponents........... 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 SETS WON BY SET 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Nebraska............ 30 30 29 9 4 - 102 Opponents........... 4 4 5 0 0 - 13 POINTS BY SET 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Nebraska............ 489 496 491 135 60 - 1671 Opponents........... 228 260 286 72 44 - 890

Overall Individual Statistics

2000 Nebraska Volleyball Nebraska Overall Individual Statistics (as of Sep 13, 2014) All matches Overall record: 34-0 Conf: 20-0 Home: 19-0 Away: 11-0 Neutral: 4-0 |-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------| ## Name SP-MP-MS K K/Set E TA Pct A A/Set TA Pct SA SA/S SE TA Pct ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Pilakowski, Laura 100 32-27 430 4.30 112 946 .336 30 0.30 96 .312 24 0.24 42 290 .855 3 Holmquist, Amber 111 34-28 354 3.19 82 670 .406 12 0.11 31 .387 0 0.00 0 3 1.000 17 Kropp, Jenny 109 33-26 294 2.70 82 625 .339 23 0.21 68 .338 21 0.19 56 301 .814 25 Behrends, Kim 105 34-30 228 2.17 95 673 .198 38 0.36 118 .322 36 0.34 27 340 .921 2 Oxley, Angie 114 34-30 219 1.92 55 532 .308 124 1.09 220 .564 35 0.31 26 392 .934 1 Cepero, Greichaly 109 33-30 199 1.83 53 453 .322 1297 11.90 1222 1.061 23 0.21 55 336 .836 16 Schrad, Anna 69 32-3 132 1.91 51 355 .228 15 0.22 49 .306 14 0.20 30 154 .805 12 Krejci, Pam 21 15-0 28 1.33 9 57 .333 1 0.05 1 1.000 0 0.00 2 9 .778 10 McWilliams, Jill 81 31-4 8 0.10 2 28 .214 111 1.37 92 1.207 5 0.06 8 47 .830 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay 115 34-2 2 0.02 0 3 .667 26 0.23 96 .271 30 0.26 32 423 .924 6 Dowling, Jenae 24 16-0 1 0.04 0 1 1.000 1 0.04 16 .062 4 0.17 3 17 .824 NEBRASKA............ 115 34-34 1895 16.48 541 4343 .312 1678 14.59 2009 .835 192 1.67 281 2312 .878 Opponents........... 115 34-34 1542 13.41 975 4702 .121 1408 12.24 1850 .761 113 0.98 240 1780 .865 |----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------| ## Name S RE TA Pct DIG Dig/S BS BA Total Blk/S BE BHE POINTS Pts/S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Pilakowski, Laura 100 17 194 .912 263 2.63 12 62 74 0.74 8 2 497.0 4.97 3 Holmquist, Amber 111 1 95 .989 47 0.42 21 199 220 1.98 15 2 474.5 4.27 17 Kropp, Jenny 109 13 105 .876 160 1.47 19 159 178 1.63 17 2 413.5 3.79 25 Behrends, Kim 105 14 162 .914 261 2.49 13 42 55 0.52 10 1 298.0 2.84 2 Oxley, Angie 114 31 175 .823 327 2.87 11 97 108 0.95 8 4 313.5 2.75 1 Cepero, Greichaly 109 3 645 .995 233 2.14 28 133 161 1.48 23 25 316.5 2.90 16 Schrad, Anna 69 8 78 .897 114 1.65 2 33 35 0.51 5 0 164.5 2.38 12 Krejci, Pam 21 0 9 1.000 9 0.43 0 9 9 0.43 0 0 32.5 1.55 10 McWilliams, Jill 81 4 37 .892 74 0.91 1 6 7 0.09 0 3 17.0 0.21 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay 115 16 21 .238 246 2.14 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 32.0 0.28 6 Dowling, Jenae 24 2 1 -1.000 28 1.17 0 1 1 0.04 0 0 5.5 0.23 TEAM 4 NEBRASKA............ 115 113 1524 .926 1762 15.32 107 741 477.5 4.15 86 39 2564.5 22.30 Opponents........... 115 194 1954 .901 1654 14.38 50 242 171.0 1.49 53 42 1826.0 15.88

Category Leaders

2000 Nebraska Volleyball Nebraska Category Leaders (as of Sep 13, 2014) All matches ## ATTACK (by ##) S K K/S E TA Pct -------------------------------------------------------- 1 Cepero, Greichaly 109 199 1.83 53 453 .322 2 Oxley, Angie 114 219 1.92 55 532 .308 3 Holmquist, Amber 111 354 3.19 82 670 .406 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay 115 2 0.02 0 3 .667 6 Dowling, Jenae 24 1 0.04 0 1 1.000 9 Pilakowski, Laura 100 430 4.30 112 946 .336 10 McWilliams, Jill 81 8 0.10 2 28 .214 12 Krejci, Pam 21 28 1.33 9 57 .333 16 Schrad, Anna 69 132 1.91 51 355 .228 17 Kropp, Jenny 109 294 2.70 82 625 .339 25 Behrends, Kim 105 228 2.17 95 673 .198 NEBRASKA............ 115 1895 16.48 541 4343 .312 Opponents........... 115 1542 13.41 975 4702 .121 ## SET (by A/Set) S A A/S TA Pct --------------------------------------------------- 1 Cepero, Greichaly 109 1297 11.90 1222 1.061 10 McWilliams, Jill 81 111 1.37 92 1.207 2 Oxley, Angie 114 124 1.09 220 .564 25 Behrends, Kim 105 38 0.36 118 .322 9 Pilakowski, Laura 100 30 0.30 96 .312 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay 115 26 0.23 96 .271 16 Schrad, Anna 69 15 0.22 49 .306 17 Kropp, Jenny 109 23 0.21 68 .338 3 Holmquist, Amber 111 12 0.11 31 .387 12 Krejci, Pam 21 1 0.05 1 1.000 6 Dowling, Jenae 24 1 0.04 16 .062 NEBRASKA............ 115 1678 14.59 2009 .835 Opponents........... 115 1408 12.24 1850 .761 ## BLOCK (by B/Set) S BS BA Total Blk/S BE ------------------------------------------------------- 3 Holmquist, Amber 111 21 199 220.0 1.98 15 17 Kropp, Jenny 109 19 159 178.0 1.63 17 1 Cepero, Greichaly 109 28 133 161.0 1.48 23 2 Oxley, Angie 114 11 97 108.0 0.95 8 9 Pilakowski, Laura 100 12 62 74.0 0.74 8 25 Behrends, Kim 105 13 42 55.0 0.52 10 16 Schrad, Anna 69 2 33 35.0 0.51 5 12 Krejci, Pam 21 0 9 9.0 0.43 0 10 McWilliams, Jill 81 1 6 7.0 0.09 0 6 Dowling, Jenae 24 0 1 1.0 0.04 0 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay 115 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 NEBRASKA............ 115 107 741 477.5 4.15 86 Opponents........... 115 50 242 171.0 1.49 53 ## POINTS (by ##) S Points Pts/S ------------------------------------------ 1 Cepero, Greichaly 109 316.5 2.90 2 Oxley, Angie 114 313.5 2.75 3 Holmquist, Amber 111 474.5 4.27 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay 115 32.0 0.28 6 Dowling, Jenae 24 5.5 0.23 9 Pilakowski, Laura 100 497.0 4.97 10 McWilliams, Jill 81 17.0 0.21 12 Krejci, Pam 21 32.5 1.55 16 Schrad, Anna 69 164.5 2.38 17 Kropp, Jenny 109 413.5 3.79 25 Behrends, Kim 105 298.0 2.84 NEBRASKA............ 115 2564.5 22.30 Opponents........... 115 1826.0 15.88 ## KILL (by K/Set) S K K/S ---------------------------------------- 9 Pilakowski, Laura 100 430 4.30 3 Holmquist, Amber 111 354 3.19 17 Kropp, Jenny 109 294 2.70 25 Behrends, Kim 105 228 2.17 2 Oxley, Angie 114 219 1.92 16 Schrad, Anna 69 132 1.91 1 Cepero, Greichaly 109 199 1.83 12 Krejci, Pam 21 28 1.33 10 McWilliams, Jill 81 8 0.10 6 Dowling, Jenae 24 1 0.04 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay 115 2 0.02 NEBRASKA............ 115 1895 16.48 Opponents........... 115 1542 13.41 ## SERVE (by ##) S SA SE TA Pct SA/S -------------------------------------------------------- 1 Cepero, Greichaly 109 23 55 336 .836 0.21 2 Oxley, Angie 114 35 26 392 .934 0.31 3 Holmquist, Amber 111 0 0 3 1.000 0.00 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay 115 30 32 423 .924 0.26 6 Dowling, Jenae 24 4 3 17 .824 0.17 9 Pilakowski, Laura 100 24 42 290 .855 0.24 10 McWilliams, Jill 81 5 8 47 .830 0.06 12 Krejci, Pam 21 0 2 9 .778 0.00 16 Schrad, Anna 69 14 30 154 .805 0.20 17 Kropp, Jenny 109 21 56 301 .814 0.19 25 Behrends, Kim 105 36 27 340 .921 0.34 NEBRASKA............ 115 192 281 2312 .878 1.67 Opponents........... 115 113 240 1780 .865 0.98 ## DEFENSE (by Dig/Set) S DIG Dig/S BHE -------------------------------------------- 2 Oxley, Angie 114 327 2.87 4 9 Pilakowski, Laura 100 263 2.63 2 25 Behrends, Kim 105 261 2.49 1 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay 115 246 2.14 0 1 Cepero, Greichaly 109 233 2.14 25 16 Schrad, Anna 69 114 1.65 0 17 Kropp, Jenny 109 160 1.47 2 6 Dowling, Jenae 24 28 1.17 0 10 McWilliams, Jill 81 74 0.91 3 12 Krejci, Pam 21 9 0.43 0 3 Holmquist, Amber 111 47 0.42 2 NEBRASKA............ 115 1762 15.32 39 Opponents........... 115 1654 14.38 42 ## RECEPT (by RE/Set) S RE RE/S TA Pct --------------------------------------------------- 2 Oxley, Angie 114 31 0.27 175 .823 9 Pilakowski, Laura 100 17 0.17 194 .912 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay 115 16 0.14 21 .238 25 Behrends, Kim 105 14 0.13 162 .914 17 Kropp, Jenny 109 13 0.12 105 .876 16 Schrad, Anna 69 8 0.12 78 .897 6 Dowling, Jenae 24 2 0.08 1 -1.000 10 McWilliams, Jill 81 4 0.05 37 .892 TM TEAM 115 4 0.03 2 -1.000 1 Cepero, Greichaly 109 3 0.03 645 .995 3 Holmquist, Amber 111 1 0.01 95 .989 12 Krejci, Pam 21 0 0.00 9 1.000 NEBRASKA............ 115 113 0.98 1524 .926 Opponents........... 115 194 1.69 1954 .901

Overall/Conference Stats

2000 Nebraska Volleyball Nebraska Overall/Conference Stats (as of Sep 13, 2014) All matches Overall record: 34-0 Conf: 20-0 Home: 19-0 Away: 11-0 Neutral: 4-0 OVERALL CONFERENCE |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| ## Name G K K/S E TA Pct A A/SPts/Set G K K/S E TA Pct A A/SPts/Set ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 9 Pilakowski, Laura... 100 430 4.30 112 946 .336 30 0.30 4.97 56 243 4.34 65 534 .333 19 0.34 5.00 3 Holmquist, Amber.... 111 354 3.19 82 670 .406 12 0.11 4.27 64 217 3.39 43 387 .450 7 0.11 4.55 17 Kropp, Jenny........ 109 294 2.70 82 625 .339 23 0.21 3.79 60 171 2.85 43 355 .361 14 0.23 3.98 25 Behrends, Kim....... 105 228 2.17 95 673 .198 38 0.36 2.84 58 127 2.19 50 371 .208 22 0.38 2.86 2 Oxley, Angie........ 114 219 1.92 55 532 .308 124 1.09 2.75 64 116 1.81 29 296 .294 75 1.17 2.56 1 Cepero, Greichaly... 109 199 1.83 53 453 .322 1297 11.90 2.90 62 126 2.03 31 287 .331 756 12.19 3.24 16 Schrad, Anna........ 69 132 1.91 51 355 .228 15 0.22 2.38 39 91 2.33 38 255 .208 12 0.31 2.87 12 Krejci, Pam......... 21 28 1.33 9 57 .333 1 0.05 1.52 12 18 1.50 3 31 .484 0 0.00 1.67 10 McWilliams, Jill.... 81 8 0.10 2 28 .214 111 1.37 0.21 53 4 0.08 2 16 .125 57 1.08 0.17 5 Wischmeier, Lindsay. 115 2 0.02 0 3 .667 26 0.23 0.28 65 1 0.02 0 1 1.000 10 0.15 0.26 6 Dowling, Jenae...... 24 1 0.04 0 1 1.000 1 0.04 0.21 12 0 0.00 0 0 .000 1 0.08 0.33 NEBRASKA............ 115 1895 16.48 541 4343 .312 1678 14.59 22.30 65 1114 17.14 304 2533 .320 973 14.97 23.15 Opponents........... 115 1542 13.41 975 4702 .121 1408 12.24 15.88 65 883 13.58 551 2714 .122 804 12.37 15.83 |---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| Name SA SA/S SE RE DIG Dig/S BS BA Total B/S SA SA/S SE RE DIG Dig/S BS BA Total B/S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Pilakowski, Laura... 24 0.24 42 17 263 2.63 12 62 74 0.74 15 0.27 27 10 152 2.71 6 33 39 0.70 Holmquist, Amber.... 0 0.00 0 1 47 0.42 21 199 220 1.98 0 0.00 0 0 25 0.39 12 125 137 2.14 Kropp, Jenny........ 21 0.19 56 13 160 1.47 19 159 178 1.63 9 0.15 31 5 81 1.35 14 90 104 1.73 Behrends, Kim....... 36 0.34 27 14 261 2.49 13 42 55 0.52 22 0.38 14 8 140 2.41 6 23 29 0.50 Oxley, Angie........ 35 0.31 26 31 327 2.87 11 97 108 0.95 13 0.20 11 15 180 2.81 7 56 63 0.98 Cepero, Greichaly... 23 0.21 55 3 233 2.14 28 133 161 1.48 15 0.24 31 1 150 2.42 16 88 104 1.68 Schrad, Anna........ 14 0.20 30 8 114 1.65 2 33 35 0.51 10 0.26 22 4 73 1.87 1 21 22 0.56 Krejci, Pam......... 0 0.00 2 0 9 0.43 0 9 9 0.43 0 0.00 2 0 8 0.67 0 4 4 0.33 McWilliams, Jill.... 5 0.06 8 4 74 0.91 1 6 7 0.09 4 0.08 7 4 55 1.04 1 1 2 0.04 Wischmeier, Lindsay. 30 0.26 32 16 246 2.14 0 0 0 0.00 16 0.25 14 7 140 2.15 0 0 0 0.00 Dowling, Jenae...... 4 0.17 3 2 28 1.17 0 1 1 0.04 4 0.33 0 2 18 1.50 0 0 0 0.00 TEAM................ 4 1 NEBRASKA............ 192 1.67 281 113 1762 15.32 107 741 477.5 4.15 108 1.66 159 57 1022 15.72 63 441 283.5 4.36 Opponents........... 113 0.98 240 194 1654 14.38 50 242 171.0 1.49 57 0.88 128 110 958 14.74 25 129 89.5 1.38